Saturday, September 1, 2007

Burial and Unburial

Video Finds of the Day

The first video recalls many funeral processions I saw in Taipei. For 3 months in 1957 we lived in a house that was one block from a highway that led from Taipei to a major cemetery just outside the city. This video was filmed in mainland China near Yangshou, which is in the south. Besides bringing back memories of the funerals, it recalls Chinese mountain landscapes, and tells you that they are not exaggerations.

I like the idea of going out to cheerful music and fireworks. I think these processions are extremely beautiful.

Funeral on countryside.

Here's a short National Geographic documentary clip set in Taiwan showing the unburying of the dead, cleaning the bones, and storing them in urns. Not my utmost preference, but appealing.

Second Burial

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