Sunday, August 5, 2007

Robotic Dance-Off

Video Find of the Day

Once again I was not looking for what I found here. The Karl Denver video in the Wimoweh Times 7 post below (Aug. 3) whet my appetite for 60s go-go dancers with beehive hairdos and boots up to their thighs. I eventually found some and I'm sorting through it all to see if I like any of it, but in the meantime the YouTube search engine somehow turned go-go into freestyle and freestyle into robot. Well, that's OK, after all, we've had several occasions to talk about robots lately, why not see some robot dancing.

The context isn't really explained here but it looks like a high school dance off in the gym. I'm guessing the guys are professional dancers or teachers. They look too old to be in school with those girls. Which might make it a dance-off exhibition?

robotic freestyle Dance off

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