Friday, August 24, 2007

A Little Irony at CAC

Wednesday had another meeting of the Consumer Advisory Council of the King County Committee to End Homelessness. I've lately noticed a little irony there.

In recent meetings the CAC has been wrapped up in plans to do outreach for focus groups and interviews. The idea appears to be to find out, mainly from other homeless people not among the CAC membership, what sorts of services work in King County, what doesn't work, and how homeless services and housing programs could be improved. I say 'appears to be' because there hasn't been a lot of focus within the CAC when the question 'why focus groups?' has been raised.

In conjunction with this planning, and to prepare the CAC for interviewing, the CEH has provided a consultant who is training the CAC in effective listening.

The little irony: the CAC was brought on board to be heard. The rest of the CEH was supposed to listen to the CAC. When will the rest of the CEH be trained?

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