Sunday, March 23, 2008

Non-Tuesday Free Lunch

Video Find of the Day

It's not true that there's no such thing as a free lunch.

Here at the subsidized haven known as the Union Hotel (not a real hotel) we have a free lunch every Tuesday. But today, because it was Easter, we got an extra free lunch, in spite of it not being Tuesday. So there's even such a thing as a non-Tuesday free lunch.

This miracle was made possible by volunteers from the UW chapter of Sigma Beta Rho, a "national multicultural Fraternity based upon the principles of Society, Brotherhood, and Remembrance." It was founded in 1996 at the University of Pennsylvania as "a vehicle to instill unity amongst its members, promote South Asian culture, and aid the greater community at large."

Lunch was brunch. We had scrambled eggs and bacon, biscuits, waffles, and ham. And oranges and grapes.

I showed my appreciation by wearing the one shirt I have from India. Anitra found out that one of the guys serving us does bhangra.

So, here I am, recovering from the flu, and wanting a vid. What am I going to celebrate Easter with?


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