Thursday, February 8, 2007

Sidney Cuteness Vicious

Here's beloved Real Change owner Sidney Vicious lying on newspapers in the back office and feebly predating on the moving pieces.

WARNING: In the future I intend to display other instances of Massive Sidney Cuteness in this space.


Ray said...

Massive Sidney Cuteness? That was Massive Sidney Lethargy!

Regardless, I love and look forward to your editorial page in Real Change every week. Keep up the good work!

glinda_w said...


I don't miss living downtown, at all (it's so much quieter over on Bainbridge, thank ghods!) but I do miss some people. And, of course, Sid.

(say "hi!" to Anitra for me...)


Anitra Freeman said...

Glinda, where are you?! Your profile isn't public. Email me -- WHEEL wants to reprint one of your poems in a real book!