Monday, September 15, 2008


I completely forgot about this year's Pike Place Market Buskers' Festival. The man I count on to remind me that it's coming up is Artis, AKA Artis The Spoonman, fellow editorial committee member at Real Change. But Artis has been busy with a move recently, so he hasn't been around to give me the expected heads up.

But fate brought me to the Market anyway. I go there once every 3 months just to load up on El Yucateco Mayan XXXTRA Hot Sauce Salsa Kutbil-ik de Chile HabaƱero. Three 4 ounce bottles last me that long, if supplemented and extended by 6 ounces of 90,000 Scoville Unit Cayenne pepper. The only store I know in Seattle that sells the Mayan sauce consistently is off Post Alley in the Market.

I get the hot sauce, I walk out into Post Alley, and there's Artis, doing the next to the last set in the Alley as part of the festival.

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