Sunday, November 23, 2008

Holiday Song

Video Find of the Day

As we enter the holiday season, it's nice to find videos that tap into the holiday spirit. Here's one of Tom Lehrer doing a song I never heard him do before.

Hanukkah in Santa Monica by Tom Lehrer

Google Street View

I just noticed Google has finally put up Street View for the Seattle area on Google Maps. Seattle lovers should check it out. There are navigable street views of most every street between north Everett and South Tacoma and between Bremerton and Carnation. They've also done most of inhabited Australia, Tokyo, and Paris. I was beginning to think they were slighting Seattle, but it looks now like they were just trying to be thorough.

A random screen shot of one of the 10s of thousands of street images now available:

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Melanesian Choirs

Video Find of the Day

New information requires me to reassess the nature of Broadstripe's suckiness. On the one hand, it turns out that we have not been suffering from a general outage. Our outage is specific to us (Anitra and I). On the other hand, they told us in an automated phone message that it was. On the third hand, we really should have known they were lying, called back and made them tell the truth. On the fourth hand, we have just now run out of hands between us, now, because we believed their lying suck-ass recorded message, we can't get someone to fix it now until Tuesday.

Meanwhile, one of the Real Change vendors recommended this music to me. It's from The Thin Red Line, a movie about the battle for Guadalcanal I've never seen.

The Thin Red Line - Melanesian Choirs - Compilation

Friday, November 21, 2008


Video Find of the Day

Broadstripe still sucks, so I'm resigned to sitting in the office late after hours to use the internet. I'm there now, waiting for some stuff to download to my precious new laptop, which I expect will solve some of these problems, perhaps in a way that involves me spending more time than I wanted in a Starbucks.

Wikipedia says Üsküdar is the part of Istanbul on the Anatolian side of the Bosporus, and it was where Florence Nightingale got famous. These violinists were performing there. I don't know what the music is called.

100 Gypsy Violins, Live in Istanbul - Üsküdar ( Traditional)

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Thank You, Broadstripe

Broadstripe sucks. That's why I'm not doing much these days. I can't get on the internet at home because Broadstripe has crashed and stayed crashed for going on two days, the last I checked. I'm posting this from the Real Change office now. Hopefully I can get back to the usual slogging away by tomorrow.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Everly Brothers

Video Find of the Day

Oldies But Goodies from a 1961 TV performance. I was out of the country at the time, and walked in on this sort of thing later, after months of hearing Bésame Mucho played in Mexican shops 5 or 6 times a day.

Everly Brothers - Bird Dog - Till I kissed you

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Desert Blues

Video Find of the Day

Another OCD post! 2nd in a week, isn't it? I'm slipping.

Desert Blues -- Music Project from Mali -- Part 1

Saturday, November 15, 2008


Video Find of the Day

I'd post part 2 but I'm wasted tonight. I don't recall hearing tabla quite like this.

Anindo Chatterjee(part 1)

Friday, November 14, 2008

Hawai'ian Falsetto

Video Find of the Day

I used to hate this kind of singing. But then, I used to hate onions. Now, a day without onions is like a day without hot peppers. We grow and change.

Nā Palapalai

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Internet Terrorism

I keep hearing about concerns regarding internet terrorism. Do you know how many emails it takes to kill a man? Hint: It's exactly equal to the number of playing cards required to prevent the light from the sun from reaching the Earth.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

It's Greek

Video Find of the Day

I don't know what any of this is about. It sounds like a medley. Google translation says the tag ΔΗΜΟΤΙΚΑ means PRIMARY. This is my only clue. PRIMARY what? ΤΡΑΓΟΥΔΙΑ means SONGS. PRIMARY SONGS? Sometimes tags don't help.

ΦΥΛΙΩ ΠΥΡΓΑΚΗ ... (Το λουλουδάκι ...η Ιτιά ...)

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

YouTube Contest

Video Find of the Day

This is an OCD post made exactly 24 hours after the time stamped on it. I had to get to bed at a ridiculously early hour (for me) yesterday in order to get up before the chickens for the 14th Anniversary Real Change Benefit Breakfast that was held this morning. Which went great by the way, I only wish Sherman Alexie's people would let me video him and put the video on YouTube, but we've been through that at other events and I know they won't. That fact has nothing to do with why I think this recent entry from The Onion is so awesome.

The crack about teen violence at the end is great, too.

YouTube Contest Challenges Users To Make A 'Good' Video

Monday, November 10, 2008

Miriam Makeba

Video Find of the Day

She left us today.

Miriam Makeba - Kilimanjaro

Miriam Makeba-Pata Pata(TV Record,S.Paulo,Brazil,1968)

Miriam Makeba - Oxgam {Studio Version}

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Garinagu, Garifuna

Video Find of the Day

... whatever. They live in and about Belize (formerly British Honduras). If I'm not mistaken, these are some of they, singing.

Nibari - Umalali

Saturday, November 8, 2008

What? -- 1935

Video Find of the Day

OK. This is just weird. What really appeals to me here is the shot of Andy Devine (friend of Froggy on Andy's Gang) as a relatively thin man around 43 seconds to the end.

Down In Coronado By The Sea - 1935

Friday, November 7, 2008

Brahms & Hungarians

Video Find of the Day

Back to normal? 4 out of the first 5 Hungarian Dances. How normal can we be?

Georges Pretre Brahms Hungarian Dance No.1

Brahms Hungarian Dance No.2

Yehudi Menuhin plays Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 4

Yehudi Menuhin plays Brahms Hungarian Dance No. 5

Thursday, November 6, 2008

You Know You Got It, If...

Video Find of the Day

I'm still winding down from the election. This video helps, as it has absolutely nothing to do with what just transpired.

Janis Joplin 'Piece Of My Heart'

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Video Find of the Day

This one, for a change, could have nothing to do with the recent election. It in no way relates to the expectations now being heaped upon Obama, that were never heaped upon the vanquished party. It has nothing to do with the higher standards that Democrats are held to. It is merely a piece of Classical Music, of no other significance.


Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The Election Is Over

Video Find of the Day

From the point of view of The Onion.

Voting Machines Elect One Of Their Own As President

Monday, November 3, 2008

Dance Off

Video Find of the Day

Well, isn't this is a good send-off for the election? Why not reduce it to who has the best cgi skills? And, it reiterates what we all need to acknowledge, that Sarah Palin is steaming hot.

Obama and McCain - Dance Off!

Unfortunate Choice Of Words

Sarah Palin stirring up a crowd at a campaign rally today: "Are you ready to send John McCain on his last mission [for America]?"

I don't think the crowd caught the irony. But I did. (I'm very sensitive to that sort of thing.) Yeah, that's the problem, this could very well be his last mission.

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Wassup? Revisited

Video Find of the Day

Eight years after the original "Wassup?" commercial, a timely update.

Wassup 2008

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Old Favorite

Video Find of the Day

I'm between moods. I'm coming on one year from the last time I heard from Bethe, so...

Bette Midler "Is That All There Is?"