is about my excesses. I am a survivor of severe child abuse. I am sharing my past and present here, along with my loves and hates. It's a kind of payback. - Dr. Wes Browning
Here's the St. Louis Cordillera Dancers doing a Gangsa Medley. That's "gangsa" as in hand carried gongs, not "ganster", and also not to be confused with Indonesian gangsas, which are percussion instruments that rest on the floor. Also, that is the St. Louis University of Baguio City, in Benguet Province, in the Philippines, about 150 miles north of Manila just beyond the Cordillera Mountain Range, not the one in Missouri. The songs are songs of the Cordillerano, indigenous peoples of that region, also sometimes known as the Igorot, a collective term for their many tribes.
I have a doctorate in Mathematics from Cornell. I am amused by this. My parents tried to kill me on my 1st birthday. Though I now can't speak it much, and though my parents never could, my first language was Hawaiian, not English. I partially credit an I'iwi for my survival. Hear one on the audio clip at my complete profile. I've been homeless a number of times, for a total of about 4 years. For some of that time I supported myself with the sale of paintings. One of my paintings was chosen for the cover of the premier issue of Real Change, see the links below. Since that first issue in 1994 I have become part of its volunteer editorial committee. I write a regular humor column for the paper, currently titled Adventures in Irony. I serve on the Real Change Board of Directors. I feed the Real Change cat Sid Vicious. Anitra Freeman and I are an item.
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