is about my excesses. I am a survivor of severe child abuse. I am sharing my past and present here, along with my loves and hates. It's a kind of payback. - Dr. Wes Browning
I don't know about you, but when I think of India I think of places like Delhi, Calcutta, Bombay, Hyderabad, or Madura. I don't think of any of that appendage of India that juts out the other side of Bangladesh. In particular I don't think of Nagaland. In fact, until I found this video I didn't know there was a place called Nagaland. Now I want to be there, just for the fashions.
Well my good sir, if you can spare some time and come here you'll find many amazing things apart from the fashion. Nagaland is a very naturally scenic place, the people are cordial and honest. How do I know, because I live here.
llongchar: The land looks beautiful in the video, and I'm sure you're right about the people. The problem with going there, for me, isn't a lack of time, but of funds. I can't even afford a passport from my government! At least there are videos.
I have a doctorate in Mathematics from Cornell. I am amused by this. My parents tried to kill me on my 1st birthday. Though I now can't speak it much, and though my parents never could, my first language was Hawaiian, not English. I partially credit an I'iwi for my survival. Hear one on the audio clip at my complete profile. I've been homeless a number of times, for a total of about 4 years. For some of that time I supported myself with the sale of paintings. One of my paintings was chosen for the cover of the premier issue of Real Change, see the links below. Since that first issue in 1994 I have become part of its volunteer editorial committee. I write a regular humor column for the paper, currently titled Adventures in Irony. I serve on the Real Change Board of Directors. I feed the Real Change cat Sid Vicious. Anitra Freeman and I are an item.
Well my good sir, if you can spare some time and come here you'll find many amazing things apart from the fashion.
Nagaland is a very naturally scenic place, the people are cordial and honest. How do I know, because I
live here.
llongchar: The land looks beautiful in the video, and I'm sure you're right about the people. The problem with going there, for me, isn't a lack of time, but of funds. I can't even afford a passport from my government! At least there are videos.
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