Friday, April 6, 2007

Not Into Auto-Marginalization

If you are one of the one or two readers of this blog, you may have noticed the Third Party Functionality device that was temporarily at the bottom of the right hand column of these pages. It held a link to Technorati and a search engine that didn't work at all. I pointed that fact out to Technorati in an email to them two weeks ago as of today.

They have not got back to me to say anything at all. I expected something by now like, sorry for the wait, we're still working on your problem, don't give up hope. I wouldn't have minded if it was an automated assurance, like the recordings between muzak when you're on hold on the phone. But I haven't got butkis (sp?) from them.

I also pointed out to them that in the over two months since I signed with them they haven't acknowledged one update of Adventures in Bloggery.

My theory is that their software wouldn't handle these blogs because something about them put them outside their parameters. And the software isn't set up to flag the user in that event.

Now, I am perfectly capable of writing in internet obscurity until I die. It suits my image of myself. Muse of Other, and all, Misunderstood Genius and all, I Belong In Exile In Paris, Damn Why Didn't I Take French In High School, and all ...

Ha, ha, no seriously, I want readers. Why the fuck would I care about Technorati in the first place? So I'll be trying other strategies that don't involve their worthless ass.

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